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March 20, 2015

Weekend plan: Make this swoon-worthy gourmet brunch at home

Blogger Sherrie Castellano of With Food & Love shares her delectable recipes with readers

Weekend Recipes Brunch
Harvest Hash Breakfast Tacos Sherrie Castellano /With Food & Love

This Harvest Hash Breakfast Tacos recipe is everything you could want in a brunch.

Philadelphians love their food, but brunch gets put on a higher pedestal.

Be it the smell of bacon or the promise of a bloody mary, brunch is the only meal that can get many of us to get out of bed, put on pants and leave the house on a Saturday or Sunday morning, even when especially when we're ridiculously hungover. Now that’s dedication.

But what if I told you that you didn’t have to leave your house, or spend money at a restaurant, or even put on pants in order to enjoy a restaurant-worthy brunch?

Actually, that’s exactly what I’m telling you!

All you have to do is hop on over to Sherrie Castellano’s little corner of the Interweb - With Food and Love - and plan ahead by grabbing some ingredients a few days before, and you can make and enjoy the delectable meals featured below. (Castellano lived in Philadelphia for five years.) 

But what if I told you that you didn’t have to leave your house, or spend money at a restaurant, or even put on pants in order to enjoy a restaurant-worthy brunch?

Main Course: Harvest Hash Breakfast Tacos (see, and salivate over, picture above.) 

Now before you assume "No way I can make that," because I did, too, just read the recipe and you'll realize it's not all that difficult. 

All you need is a rainbow assortment of root veggies and a sharp knife to create the beautifully shredded "taco" fixings, below.

Harvest Hash

Then, all you need is a fried egg, a tortilla and some extra optional toppings, and WHAM, in 20 minutes you will have yourself a meal worth bragging about to your friends.

But wait, make it even better by adding a side of Avocado Toast with Cilantro Lime Cashew Cream and some fresh-pressed Carrot Ginger Orange Juice.

Avocado Toast

Oh, and invite the PhillyVoice team over, too! 

Know any local bloggers who would like to have their recipes featured at Shoot me an email at
