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October 28, 2015

Trump: Women wearing burkas don't need to wear makeup; 'it's easy'

Donald Trump is receiving backlash on social media after making comments about women who wear burkas at a rally in New Hampshire Monday.

At the event in Atkinson, the GOP presidential hopeful defended women who say they prefer to wear the traditional Islamic veils.

"I saw a woman interviewed," he said. "They said, 'We want to wear [burkas], we've worn them for a thousand years. Why would anybody tell us not to?' They want to! What the hell are we getting involved for?"  

What began as a simple statement supporting the women's choice quickly turned to a comment about the women's appearance.

"Fact is, it's easy," he continued. "You don't have to put on makeup. Look how beautiful everyone looks. Wouldn't it be easier? Right? Wouldn't that be easy?" 

Trump then added that he would wear one himself if he were a woman. 

Watch his speech below:

Trump's comments were not well-received on social media.

Ben Carson pulled ahead of Trump in a national poll released Tuesday.
