25 signs you're doing summer in Philadelphia correctly

The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation’s new Spruce Street Harbor Park offers a summer getaway right in Philly.

It's almost Fourth of July weekend and summer has arrived. The streets feel like a sauna and in the distance, one can hear the sounds of "wooder ice" being scooped to Will Smith's "Summertime." Are you experiencing summer in Philadelphia at its fullest? If none of these signs apply to you, it's not too late to turn things around. There are still 85 days to do summer right. 

You're not afraid to take a dip in one of Philadelphia's many fountains

When you're not swimming in a fountain, you're cooling off at home in your private grotto

Your sandals look better than Philly Jesus' and he's wearing more clothes

Spruce Street Harbor Park is basically your backyard 

You know there are weekends to stay in Philly and others to throw in the towel and head "downashore"

You've traded in your car for a membership with indego bike share

You've already been to two shows at The Mann Center

And you've seen your favorite movies outside, for free!

You're not afraid to push your way through crowds to reach Bassets at the Reading Terminal Market

You've already explored our future "high line" 

You've avoided contracting E. coli while swimming at Devils Pool in Wissahickon Creek Park. 

You've successfully reserved a table at Laurel

You've come to terms with the fact that you'll never get through Diner en Blanc stain-free

You've caught (actual) catfish in the Delaware River

You've been to every PHS Pop-Up Garden at least once. With your dog. 

Your primary source of energy is "wooder ice" 

And Summer Love...

And Yards Saison...

And $4.99 Hoagiefest hoagies from Wawa 

You've walked over the Ben Franklin Bridge to soak in the view

You're a pro at the soft pretzel ride 

You believe that the line at Franklin Fountain is worth the wait and that the only appropriate reaction is this:

You're extra nice to friends with memberships to the North Shore Beach Club

You'll sneak out of work on time just to be with your friends at Center City Sips

You believe that nothing beats summer in Philadelphia and you plan to enjoy every moment of it.