Beat the winter blues

Tips for overcoming seasonal affective disorder

Boost your mood even on the darkest of wintry days.
Jim Cole/AP

It doesn't look like the cold weather and snow are going anywhere any time soon.

Forecasters are saying more snow is headed this way. Later this week, we look to see the coldest days of winter on Thursday and Friday, and possibly the coldest in Philadelphia in 21 years, according to the National Weather Service. 

You may notice yourself losing motivation or feeling moody. This change in behavior could mean you're suffering from seasonal affective disorder.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a subtype of major depression that comes and goes based on seasons, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms often appear during late fall or early winter and go away during the sunnier days of spring and summer, but some people experience the opposite pattern.

Don't let the cold weather get you down. Here are some tips for beating the winter blues.

1. Try light therapy.

Light therapy has been reported to work in 80 percent of all cases of SAD. Some studies have found that sitting in front of a light box for 30 minutes every morning can be as effective for SAD patients as treatment with some types of antidepressants. 

2. Get outside.

Yes, it's frigid out there, but make an effort to work some natural sunlight into your day. Even if it's only for a short lunch break or brisk walk. If it's just too cold to go out, be sure to let as much natural light into your house or apartment as possible. Open those blinds and curtains during the day. The most effective treatment found for SAD is to increase exposure to light.

3. Exercise.

Physical activity is a proven method for easing SAD symptoms. Exercise can help decrease stress and anxiety. Plus, being more in shape can make you feel better about yourself. So get off the couch and release some endorphins. 

4. Socialize.

Sure, it's tempting to hibernate all winter and avoid the cold altogether, but it won't help the moodiness. Make an effort to go out and stay social. Being with friends and loved ones is a great way to lighten your mood.

5. Take a winter vacation.

If you are one who can't stand the cold, why not plan your vacation during the winter months? Escape to somewhere sunny and warm. Or, if you like the snow, plan a ski trip to the mountains. A change of scenery can go a long way.