Best fictional dads from Philly

You might think your dad is quite the character.

Maybe his stern but wise demeanor gives you guidance. Or maybe your shared love of sports provides a loving bond that transcends your differences. Or maybe he's just crazy.

In many cases, it's a combination of all three, and a few fictional fathers from Philly portray the different types of dads that everyone can identify with. 

So in honor of Father's Day, here's the three best fatherly characters from Philadelphia.

Patrizio - "Silver Linings Playbook"

Sure, Robert De Niro's character can be a bit overbearing when it comes to his superstitions about the Eagles. But him and his son Pat, played by Philadelphia native Bradley Cooper, bond over their love of the team, even if he uses his son's good luck charm abilities to try and win his bets. Ultimately, Patrizio's desire to watch the games with his son is about fatherly love, not his fandom. 

Mr. Feeny -"Boy Meets World"

Principal and next door neighbor to the Matthews family, Mr. Feeny is not the actual father of any of the show's characters. However, his strict discipline balanced with warm advice serves as a parental force for the entire cast. While his one-liners would often make us laugh, his caring love for his students could bring us to tears. 

Frank Reynolds - "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

There's really nothing redeeming about Frank Reynolds, but he sure is entertaining. Manipulative and mean to his daughter Dee and son Dennis, who we later find out aren't even his own biological children, he also often uses his (likely) son Charlie to advance his own ends. Frank is essentially the opposite of the cookie-cutter sitcom dad, which makes him all the more fun to watch.