Beyond Deflategate

The top ten controversies brewing in the NFL

There's never a lack of drama in football, both on the field and off. So Yahoo Sports, rather than predicting the best players for their fantasy football league, decided to predict the top 10 scandals that will get fans talking next season.

In no particular order, here are first five predictions:

1. People will be on the edge of their seats, wondering when Johnny Manziel, a.k.a. Johnny Football, gets to play.

2. Chip Kelly will say something controversial. (I know, I know. Are the people at Yahoo psychics or what?)

3. The owners of the 49ers will get blamed for their team's terrible offseason.

4. People will talk about building a stadium in Los Angeles (and meanwhile, the St. Louis Rams may consider migrating elsewhere for the winter.)

5. The Seattle Seahawks will butt heads with their management over salaries.

Read the rest here.