A breakdown of the Super Bowl commercials

A mixture of beers, puppies, girls and more

Carl Jr.'s would like to see you hamburgers.
Carl Jr.'s/youtube
Ah, the Super Bowl: an American celebration of sport, showmanship and consumerism. The event's commercials have been synonymous with the game itself for many years now, and thanks to the internet you don't even have to watch them live.

So utilize those breaks in the action to use the bathroom and grab some grub, because here's a list of this year's Super Bowl ads:


Product: Bud Light

Target audience: That friend who starts every conversation with "Dude, last night was crazy!"

Summary: Guy orders a Bud Light, proceeds to play real life Pac-Man.

Product: Budweiser

Target Audience: People switching channels from the Puppy Bowl

Summary: Horses save puppy from wolf.

Product: Newcastle Brown Ale

Target Audience: Passive consumers

Summary: Newcastle pokes fun at over-saturation of advertising with some over-saturation of advertising


Product: Mercedes Benz's "Fable"

Target Audience: Forrest animals

Summary: Slow and steady wins the race, unless the turtle owns a sports car.

Product: Kia Sorento

Target Audience: People who think Tomorrow Never Dies was the best James Bond movie

Summary: Pierce Brosnan is talked in to doing a car commercial.

Product: BMW i3

Target Audience: Generation X

Summary Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric parody their "what is the internet" segment from the 90's.

Product: Carvana

Target Audience: Everyone older than millennials

Summary: Lazy guy makes his dad feel old.


Product: Eat24

Target Audience: Fans of unusual celebrity pairings

Summary: Gilbert Gottfried gets 'hangry,' Snoop Dogg (er, Snoop Lion) calms him down.

Product: Snickers

Target Audience: TV Land viewers

Summary: Danny Trejo and Steve Buscemi are in The Brady Bunch. 

Product: Carl Jr's 'All Natural' Burger

Target Audience: Heterosexual males

Summary: An attractive woman walks around naked, chaos ensues.


Product: GoDaddy.com

Target Audience: People who dislike Budweiser

Summary: GoDaddy parodies Budweiser's puppy commercial with a terrible pet owner.

(Note: GoDaddy has actually pulled this ad from the broadcast.)

Product: Victoria's Secret Lingerie.

Target Audience: Boyfriends with unrealistic expectations for Valentine's Day

Summary: Beautiful woman pose in lingerie.

Product: T-Mobile

Target Audience: Kanye West

Summary: Kim Kardashian gives riveting performance while holding a phone.

(This article will be updated as more commercials become available online.)