Bucks mom who lost son to heroin helping others

Cathy Messina, the mother of David Messina, above, is working to help others avoid the fate of her son, who died of a heroin overdose last year.
A Bucks County mom is sharing a tragic chapter in her life to help others.

Last year, Cathy Messina found her 21-year-old son, David, on the bathroom floor of their Warminster home; he had overdosed on heroin. Now, she is pushing to put a lifesaving drug into the hands of other people who might find themselves in similar, helpless circumstances.

On Tuesday night, a naloxone kit and a prescription for the drug, which costs about $40 a dose, were distributed to men and women with loved ones on heroin during a training session spearheaded by Messina and a friend, the Doylestown Intelligencer reported.

Naloxone, a medication that counters almost immediately the effects of opioids, especially in overdose situations, is vital in providing assistance since death from overdose can occur quickly.

Messina stood before the packed room, hands and voice shaking, and recalled one of the last text messages David sent her before he died, the Intelligencer reported.
"Sorry mom, I no (sic) I used it yesterday but that’s it I’m not gonna use it anymore,” David said in the text.
Tuesday's session was held with the help of the Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission Inc., Prevention Point Philadelphia and the Council of Southeast Pennsylvania Inc. 

Another session will be held April 20 in the gym at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church, 856 Euclid Ave., Warrington. To reserve a seat for the second session, email davewarriors73@gmail.comA third one is being planned for May.

Read the full article here.