Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the African Sisters Education Collaborative with Chestnut Hill College

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Join Chestnut Hill College and the Sisters of Saint Joseph on Tuesday, Nov. 5 as they celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC). The event, titled “ASEC@20,” will be held at 4 p.m. on campus in the East Parlor of St. Joseph Hall and is free and open to public.

ASEC@20 will feature presentations by numerous speakers, including Carol Jean Vale, SSJ, Ph.D., the president of Chestnut Hill College, and Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, the executive director of ASEC. Sister Draru has extensive experience on gender, education, and sustainable development in Africa. Prior to her role as executive director, Sister Draru worked for 15 years at Uganda Martyrs University, one of ASEC’s partner institutions, where most recently she served as dean of students.

Established in 1999, the African Sisters Education Collaborative ’s goal is to facilitate access to education for women religious in Africa that leads to enhancement and expansion of the education, health, economic, social, environmental, and spiritual services they provide. Chestnut Hill College and the Sisters of Saint Joseph are two of its founding members.

For more information on ASEC@20, please email communicate@chc.edu or call 215-242-7764.


Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 4 p.m.
Chestnut Hill College
East Parlor of St. Joseph Hall
9601 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19118