Despite barely registering in Iowa, Santorum continuing campaign

Former Pennsylvania senator will head to South Carolina in attempt to revive chances

As of 9:45 p.m. Monday evening, things did not look good for former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Totals from the Iowa caucus (via the Washington Post) show him second to last place among a crowded field of GOP candidates with just 1 percent of the vote, ahead only of former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore.

Santorum isn't calling it quits just yet, however. According to several tweets from political correspondents, he'll be embarking on a 46 county tour of South Carolina, another key early primary state.

Santorum was the winner of the 2012 Iowa Caucus, beating the eventual nominee, Mitt Romney, by just a handful of votes. However, the potential momentum Santorum could have capitalized on from the victory was taken from him as Romney was initially declared the winner.

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The likelihood that Santorum wins the nomination is obviously slim, and he even acknowledged that the end of his presidential aspirations may be near in an interview with USA Today in January.

As of now, however, it appears he isn't giving up on trying to become the first presidential nominee from the Keystone State for one of the two major political parties since 1880.