Couldn't make it to the Polar Bear Plunge in Jersey?

Take a dip in an infinity pool for charity

The annual Polar Bear Plunge in New Jersey is a local tradition for many. Brave souls run into the icy Atlantic waters, while crowds cheer them on. 

Plunges happen in many coastal cities, but recently, those in Sea Isle City paraded into the water on Feb. 18.

Those who couldn't make it down to the shore (or who aren't ready to wait a full year for another dip) can attend evo Philly's charity event.

The apartment building is hosting its own Plunge on Tuesday, Feb. 28. For every participant who jumps into the outdoor infinity pool on the building's 33rd floor, evo will donate $5 to Philadoptables.

The charity organization is dedicated to finding homes for local animals.

Besides helping out some furry friends in need, participants will receive free food and hot chocolate, a T-shirt and a commemorative photo. 

Polar Plunge for Charity

Tuesday, Feb. 28
8-10 p.m. | Free
evo Philly
2930 Chestnut St.
(215) 222-7100