Fey and Poehler lambaste Cosby during Golden Globes monologue

Did they go too far?

Tina Fey warned everyone last week that Bill Cosby jokes weren't off-limits, and they sure weren't. 

Whether because they were saving the goods, or because they wanted to gauge the audience reaction in the buildup, Fey and her co-host gal pal Amy Poehler waited until the end of their opening monologue to uncork the Cosby material. And like an old bottle of sparkling wine, the contents felt a bit ... flat.

Poehler's one-liner, timed with an "Into the Woods" bit: "Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby."

And then joked Fey, in her best Cosby voice: "I put the pills in the people that the people did not want put into them."

But you be the judge of the harshness of the Cosby quips: See the 49-second bit here, and see the full monologue below. This was the third consecutive (and final) year that Fey and Poehler co-hosted the show.