Former Mayor Nutter lands another new gig

Will be visiting fellow at University of Chicago in fourth new job

Former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is one busy guy since leaving office.

The University of Chicago's Institute of Politics announced Monday Nutter would visit the school as a fellow during the upcoming spring quarter.

Here's the school's description of Nutter's role as a fellow:

Nutter, who served as Mayor of Philadelphia from 2008 to January 2016, will focus on governing in urban America, providing a first-hand look at his time inside City Hall. His week-long seminar series will explore the ways in which crisis management can upend a mayoralty, the challenges of institutionalizing change after an election, and what the outcome of the 2016 presidential election will mean for America’s big cities.

Since leaving office, Nutter has secured three other new jobs. They are, in no particular order:

Political commentator for CNN

Professor at Columbia University

Member of an advisory committee for the Department of Homeland Security

Also joining Nutter at the University of Chicago as fellows: former U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa; political columnist and television host Maria Latella; GOP campaign consultant Mike Murphy; political journalist Jeff Greenfield; former St. Louis Police Chief Daniel Isom; television journalist Ilana Dayan; urban revitalization expert Lavea Brachman.