Grey Lodge Pub goes all-out for Groundhog Day

Break out the Hawaiian shirts and prepare for a breakfast of beer at this local pub's celebration

Ever feel like Groundhog Day doesn't get the holiday attention it rightfully deserves? Well, you're not alone in your thinking because the Northeast's Grey Lodge Pub agrees. 

The pub will open at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 2, to watch local celebrity Punxsutawney Phil give the weather report. All those who don't have work can join in the daylong celebration. The bar will have a special breakfast menu available, as well as taps flowing with beer picked for the occasion

Take a noisemaker and cheer on either six more weeks of winter or the beginning of spring. 

After the TV viewing, there will be a Hawaiian shirt contest at 8 a.m. Wear the best of the worst to win a prize from Troegs Brewing Company

There will also be a hula-hoop contest with prizes from Sly Fox Brewery and a dance-off with a prize from Yards Brewing Company later in the day.

The day's events don't end there, however, as there is also a re-enactment of Punxsutawney Phil's prediction, and patrons will have a chance to ask the bar's own prognosticator if there will be six more weeks of winter beer.

For those who head to Grey Lodge Pub on Groundhog Day, note that the bar is only accepting cash.

Groundhog Day Celebration

Tuesday, Feb. 2
7 a.m. | Cash only
Grey Lodge Pub
6235 Frankford Ave.