The Hot Chocolate 15k/5k has sweet treats for runners

Stop for marshmallows, candy and chocolate along the course

The 2016 15k finisher medal for the Hot Chocolate race.
Hot Chocolate 15k/Facebook

On Saturday, April 2, runners will take to the streets for either a 15k or 5k run that ends with delicious chocolate. The Hot Chocolate 15k/5k Run is open to all ages and anyone who can keep at least a 15-minute-per-mile pace. 

The course winds through Philly, along the Schuylkill River and has sweet-treat stations throughout. Stop for strawberry marshmallows, chocolate marshmallows, chocolate chips or M&M's candy.

Everyone who crosses the finish line will receive a medal for completing the run. The 2016 Philadelphia medal resembles a chocolate bar. 

There are more goodies for participants, too. A zip-up jacket is included with race packets. After the run, there will be dark chocolate to eat.

The 5k run begins at 7:15 a.m. and the 15k starts at 8 a.m. 

Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House is the run's charity partner.  

Hot Chocolate 15k/5k Run

Saturday, April 2
$54-$74 registration
Eakins Oval