Instagram to bring 'Highlights' to your e-mail inbox

The 'best of' e-mails aim in part to wake up lapsed users


Even though social media platforms have colonized a lot of what RSS does, that doesn't mean your inbox isn't seen as a prime destination for their content.

As Twitter and LinkedIn have shown, content highlights can be a great way to give users a 'best of' glimpse at what's happening in their networks and encourage them to open the app or log in.

Now Instagram is set to begin sending out Highlights e-mails with the best images in your network, according to The Verge.

The new e-mails were first noticed by TechCrunch, which received confirmation from the 4-year-old photo-sharing platform that it was the company's first engagement effort run via e-mail. As TechCrunch points out,  this strategy works well for maturing social media platforms to counteract the deluge of posts that can sometimes squeeze out a user's preferred content.

With high e-mail open rates, no matter how overwhelming an inbox can be, such Highlights can provide a little respite from the rest of the what's in there.

Instagram may have a leg up in their efforts, too. According to researchers at Yahoo Labs, you may actually be more likely to look at Instagram photos because of their filters.  The research evaluated filter preferences of Instagram users to help gain insight into why certain images go viral and what makes people gravitate toward Amaro, X-Pro II, Valencia, Rise, or no filter at all.