Kanye West tweets Bill Cosby is innocent, receives backlash

Comedian faces sexual assault charges

In the latest from the ongoing series called "why the Internet is talking about Kanye West," the rapper has set off a backlash for three words he tweeted about an ongoing criminal case in Montgomery County.

His tweet wasn't about just any case, of course. No, it was about the Bill Cosby case. The Philly-born comedian faces charges of sexually assaulting a former Temple University employee.

In addition to that case, Cosby has been accused of sexually assaulting more than 50 women. West, never the stranger to controversy on Twitter, posted that he thought the comedian was innocent on Tuesday.

As you can imagine, this didn't go over so well. West was subsequently lambasted by fellow celebrities...

...members of the media...

...and his fans.

West's new album is being released Thursday. We would try to reach out to him for clarification on the Cosby tweet, but...