Obama names Nutter to key board

My Brother's Keeper Alliance will now have the city's mayor on its advisory board

President Obama has named Mayor Michael Nutter to a seat on the advisory council for the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, an organization aimed at eliminating achievements gaps for boys and men of color, according to an announcement released Monday.

“I am honored to be selected by President Obama to serve on the Advisory Council for this important new foundation,” said Nutter in a statement. “I am committed to the mission of the [alliance] and have been focused on issues like education, job skills training and violence-reduction among boys and young men of color for many years.”

The alliance focuses on addressing opportunity gaps in the lives of young men and is a priority for the president. Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, in his recent biography of Obama, called the program a key focus of Obama’s efforts and a possible avenue for his energy after he leaves office.

A couple of months ago, Nutter released a report showing how Philadelphia will improve outcomes for its youth of color.

“I look forward to collaborating with my fellow advisory council members and the [alliance] board and leadership team to advance the President’s agenda of ensuring that everyone can achieve the American dream,” Nutter said in a statement.