PhillyVoice's 'Quotes of the Week' quiz

How much do you remember from the week that just was?

This Feb. 17, 2016 file photo shows an iPhone in Washington complete with answers to the PhillyVoice Quotes of the Week quiz.
iPhone file photo (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)/Photoshop by Brian Hickey/PhillyVoice

Welcome to PhillyVoice’s weekly quiz about quotes that appeared in our stories during the past week.

The following quotes come from a wide array of topics, so if you’re looking to get a leg up on the competition (in a contest for which the prize is personal pride), keep reading stories from the worlds of news, entertainment and sports.

The answers are tucked at the bottom of each post (with the context available via hyperlink). We will know – and tell everybody – if you scrolled down and illicitly claimed you went 20 for 20. Real talk. 

Your possible answers are:

Joan Browning, longtime Ponzio’s waitress; Tim Cook, CEO, Apple Inc.; Tina DeCara, "Saturday Morning Fever" star; John Dougherty, Local 98 business manager; Dana Falsetti, “bendy, plus-size Instagram star"; Chris Goldstein; PhillyNORML; Jonathan Heard, Graffiti Abatement Team; Mike Hiddi, chair, Arsenal Philadelphia supporters club; Ryan Howard, Phillies first baseman; Dr. Sheena Howard, creator of "Remixing Colorblind" documentary; Jim Kenney, mayor of Philadelphia; Evan Mathis, former Philadelphia Eagle; Francis Menotti, magician; Abi Reimold, musician; Aaron Ruxbin, Philly-based DJ and organizer; Alyssa Sullivan, former Miss New Jersey Outstanding Teen; Philip Taylor, 91-year-old photographer; Valerie Weber, MD, vice dean for educational affairs, Drexel College of Medicine; Tom Wolf; governor of Pennsylvania; James Yuan, Temple University basketball live streamer.

Thom Carroll/PhillyVoiceIn an interview on Tuesday afternoon, union leader John Dougherty discussed the events around a Jan. 21 altercation at a non-union job site in South Philadelphia.


1. “I will never understand why tragedies like this occur and why people we love so dearly are taken in an instant, but I know that she’s in a better place.”

2. "It's arguably the most lucrative flower in the country. Colorado made a billion off it last year. I'm not sure that roses made that much." 

3. "I went to a predominantly black school for my Ph.D. at Howard University, but most of my education has been at predominantly white schools, with the exception of the high school I went to, so I had different experiences at all of those institutions, which I realized really shaped how I understood myself and my own perceptions of race."

4. “Every time you laugh, you lose a third of an ounce. … But it hasn’t worked.”

5. “We can now have a common interest, so we can overcome the gap between international students and American students."

6. "We have no tolerance or sympathy for terrorists."

7. “These two weirdo dudes were throwing parties and releasing mixtapes that were these ultra hybrids of all these different sounds.” 

8. “We make sure that new faces, new people, feel welcome. And, if they have some interest in the game, or learning more, we try to nurture that interest.”

9. “This is just me being vulnerable; I’m not sure how much I want to monetize this or let other people get the money for it.”

10. "Hillary Clinton has the heart, strength and depth of knowledge and experience to unite our nation and lead us during these troubled times.”

11. “And by ‘do something,’ I don’t mean find the nearest wall and try to kick up into a headstand.”

12. “I don’t think he could have handled the plethora of large personalities.”

13. "We've experienced it more than 1,000 times – that we've done something and it's been hit less than 24 hours after we removed it. They'll hit it harder the second time, just to let us know they're here."

14. “The video absolutely tells the truth and contradicts the story that the Inquirer told. We explained that to them."

15. "This is not an emergency. This is not something that needs to be treated immediately, so the doctors are taking their time."

16. "I've always been a guy that's been a team player."

17. "Wow, I just saw my boobs bounce on national TV. Yes, they are real."

18. "When I look back, I don't know how I did so much."

19. "Using the brain and intellect to create illusions, to me, that was way more interesting than the idea of being able to do 'magic.'"

20. "If we just say, 'We are going to teach you everything you need to know,' in five years, the facts will be different."

Thom Carroll/PhillyVoiceJonathan Heard, right, and Tim Farnon, employees of the City of Philadelphia's Community Life Improvement Programs, also known as CLIP, paint over graffiti tags at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets.


1. Sullivan

2. Goldstein

3. Dr. Sheena Howard

4. Browning

5. Yuan

6. Cook

7. Ruxbin

8. Hiddi

9. Reimold

10. Kenney

11. Falsetti

12. Mathis

13. Heard

14. Dougherty

15. Wolf

16. Ryan Howard

17. DeCara

18. Taylor

19. Menotti

20. Weber