Readers weigh in on Villanova hoops-parade flip-flop

Kris Jenkins' game-winning trey for the ages caused a position to evolve. Whatever. Sue me. It was a great shot.

Remember when I said that the Villanova Wildcats shouldn’t get a parade in Center City and then noted that, thanks to Kris Jenkins’ championship-winning shot for the ages, they totally should?

Good times!

I do, and a lot of other people do, too. That includes someone I considered a friend who called me a flip-flopper at our children’s school on Tuesday morning, just hours after revelers in the Philadelphia suburbs apparently torched stuff and punched a police horse in the name of sporting victory. (Gooder times!)

He wasn’t alone, either!

So, with no further ado, here are the 10 highlights of reader reactions to my evolution on the issue of utmost importance to a generation of Delaware Valleyans.

1. “BIGGEST WAFFLE EVER!!!!” – William McGee (Facebook)

2. “Just. Stop.” – PhillyVoice commenter CVN65








10. “That was a truly spectacular moment. I will always remember those last 2 shots.” – Michelle Mattus (Facebook)

Couldn’t agree more, Michelle. Couldn’t agree more. So, enjoy your celebrations, fans of the Villanova Wildcats of Radnor Township, Pennsylvania. Just don't punch Philly's horses, kids. They kick back.