WATCH: Curious eyes drawn toward 'SEX' on water tower

A pause in water-tower work leads to an unusual sight in Wisconsin, if only for a day.
Today's TMJ4/Screengrab

Thanks to the wonders of social media, I came to learn this week about a Wisconsin water tower that has drawn quite a bit of attention lately.

Specifically, this news comes from the town of Sussex on the outskirts of Milwaukee. For an ever-so-brief moment in time, passersby saw a huge orb in the sky that read, “SEX.”

We'll let the local news explain it:

A contractor told TODAY'S TMJ4 that it wasn't their initial intention to leave the tower in that state, but explained that workers ran into a venting issue, and had to stop the job in order to let the paint dry.

The tower is getting a new logo and workers were applying a layer of primer.

While a cheeky contractor noted that “we kind of like the honks when they go by,” there were other ramifications.

Jessica Bruss was driving her 8-year-old son to his first baseball game Wednesday afternoon when she heard him say 'mom, why does that say sex?'"

"I immediately thought, 'not today, we're not having this conversation today,'" Bruss joked. "I almost drove off the road when I saw it."

Talk about an unusual impetus for a birds-and-bees chat.

In any event, the "SEX" has already been covered up as work continues on the water tower.

Nothing gold shall stay.