Showdown: Tina Fey versus Rachel Maddow on Jimmy Fallon

Celebs go head to head in new "Know It All" game show segment

Tina Fey and Rachel Maddow appear on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon."
Source /YouTube

One of the great bonuses of late night television is that, in addition to hearing from all of the celebrities we love, we also get a chance to see them interact with other celebrities who they might not otherwise appear with in public settings. Last week, Upper Darby native Tina Fey faced off against MSNBC political commentator Rachel Maddow in a bout on Jimmy Fallon's new game show segment "Know It All."

The Family Feud-style game follows a few simple rules: contestants must alternately blurt out examples from a given category under the pressure of a 20-second timer. If an answer sounds fishy, an opponent reserves the right to hit the challenge button for a judge's review.

One might think the intellectual Maddow would have an edge in this format, but Fallon carefully selected a set of categories that made for a riveting match. Fey stumbles a bit coming out of the gate – a wiener dog is definitely not the official name for dachshunds – but she gets into a groove once it's time to name rappers.

Ultimately, this contest was decided by, of all things, cheese. Who knows what would have happened if "Famous Bobs" was chosen as a category? Fallon should really consider extending the game for a fair outcome. Watch below to see the winner.