Cats channel inner Trump on social media with #TrumpYourCat

One of the many cats who received a Trump-inspired makeover.

Cats far and wide are receiving a Donald Trump-inspired makeover thanks to a recent trend on social media, aptly named #TrumpYourCat.

The phenomenon, which has its own Instagram page, involves styling your feline's excess fur into a carefully coiffed hairdo that rivals Trump's own iconic look.

Yes, it's fur real. Behold:

The resemblance is uncanny, right? Other animals are getting in on the action, too.

Want to #TrumpYourCat (or any other pet for that matter)? The page provides simple instructions. 

  1. Brush your cat.
  2. Form the hair you brushed into a toupee. 
  3. Place toupee on cat.
Happy styling!