Start eating healthier with fresh produce delivered to your door

…plus more healthy tips for incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet

Hungry Harvest/for PhillyVoice

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It’s no secret that eating more fresh produce is better for your health. The benefits of eating a plant-forward diet are plentiful and include lower rates of cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, as well as giving you a clearer complexion, more energy, and heightened taste buds!

Sometimes however, even if you’re mentally on board, it can be hard to know where to start. Hungry Harvest put together a list of five easy ideas to help you get more fresh fruits and vegetables into your day, every day.

1. Have your produce delivered

Half the battle of eating healthier is getting the food into your house, so make it convenient and have them brought to you.

Hungry Harvest delivers farm fresh fruits and vegetables right to your doorstep for less than the cost of grocery. Available in a variety of sizes and options, including organic, you can get a new mix of produce each week or customize your order for free, mixing and matching your fruits, veggies, and kitchen staples to make sure you get just the right Harvest for the way you like to cook. Each no contact delivery is made using a team of local drivers and boxes start at just $15.

  • Sign up at and save 50% on your first order with Hungry Harvest with promo code: VOICE50

Plus, Hungry Harvest not only helps you and your family eat healthier, it also helps build healthier communities. Every Harvest saves at least 10 pounds of produce from going to waste and helps support the work of local hunger-solving organizations around Philadelphia, as well as Hungry Harvest’s own pandemic relief initiatives. Since 2014, Hungry Harvest has reduced over 25 million pounds of food waste and donated or subsidized over 1.6 million pounds of produce to partner organizations and through their food access programs.

Sign up now at and save 50% on your first Harvest with promo code: VOICE50.

2. Make every meal count

Making a point to eat fresh produce at every meal (including breakfast!) is a great way to hold yourself accountable to your healthy eating goals. Try adding veggies to your scrambled eggs. Make a smoothie for lunch filled with leafy greens and your favorite frozen fruit, and there’s a good reason avocado toast became so popular!

3. Seeing is believing

When you feel the urge to snack, you’ll typically go for what is right there in front of you. Try keeping quick hand fruits like apples, oranges & bananas out so that you are more likely to choose a healthier option. In your fridge, keep sliced carrots, cucumbers and peppers prepped and ready to crunch on.

4. Don’t sideline your vegetables

All too often veggies are thought of as a side dish or something to complement your protein, try switching it up and making vegetables the main focus, building your meal around them or swapping in veggies as a meat substitute like in a mushroom bolognese or a grilled cauliflower steak.

5. Try something new

With so many different types of fruits and vegetables available, why limit yourself to the same usual stand-bys? Push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something you’ve never tried before; the results might surprise you. Jackfruit tacos anyone?

It’s never too late to make a fresh start when in comes to your health. Start eating healthier today by getting fresh produce delivered right to your doorstep. Sign up now at and save 50% on your first order with promo code: VOICE50