Donald Trump to Gov. Christie: 'New Jerseyans not happy!'

GOP candidate criticizes New Jersey governor on Twitter

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took a shot at New Jersey Governor and GOP rival Chris Christie on Monday.

In a tweet, Trump criticized the amount of time Christie has spent campaigning in New Hampshire, a key early primary state, instead of running his state.

The shot comes after an influential conservative New Hampshire newspaper endorsed Christie for president.

According to CNN, neither campaign was available for comment on Trump's tweet.

On Monday, however, Christie did respond to Trump's claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in the streets of New Jersey after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, saying it didn't happen.

Christie also tried to clarify an earlier remark about Trump's claim, saying he couldn't remember if the alleged cheering had occurred. More from CNN:

"People micro-analyze every word. I said 'I don't remember it' and I wanted to qualify that day not that I thought it happened but just to remind people that that was a very emotional day for me. It was personally emotional, and I was not focused on everything that was going on all across the state. What I was focused on was my wife and my brother who were in lower Manhattan and who I hadn't heard from for a long, long time. But definitively, I've said this a number of times: It didn't happen,"

Trump has stood by his claim despite a lack of evidence supporting it.