Try dishes from the Civil War at Mutter Museum

Learn what soldiers and civilians ate and why they made those food choices

This is an overall view of a portion of the two floors of the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia shown Monday, July 12, 1999. The museum was started by Thomas Dent Mutter, a professor of surgery in the city, in 1856.
Rusty Kennedy/AP

The Mutter Museum will host a special event in its Civil War medicine exhibit "Broken Bodies, Suffering Spirits" on Saturday, May 6.

Historical re-enactors will dress as doctors, soldiers and other professions from the Civil War to discuss what soldier and civilians ate and why. Included will be a tasting (occurring every hour from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.).

There will be treats from Philadelphia’s Franklin Fountain and Shane Confectionery, too.

The program is free with museum admission.

Mutter Museum Refreshment Saloon

Saturday, May 6
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. | Free with museum admission
Mutter Museum
19 S. 22nd St.
(215) 560-8564