Turns out there's more than 12 worst types of beach people

The beaches were crowded on the Sunday of Fourth of July Weekend in Ventnor, N.J. Expect a beautiful weekend at the shore Saturday and Sunday.
Brian Hickey/PhillyVoice

Last week, we brought you a list of the 12 worst types of people to sit near on the beach.

Though the rankings were definitive, many of you responded with demographics you thought should get morally – and publicly – dragged. (And yes, the irony of dissing beach-tag avoiders on the eve of seeing the 57th Street beach fracas in Ocean City was noted.)

Who are the worst kind of people to be around on the beach?

With this holiday weekend honoring the greatest land on the globe, it’s only right that your (and another one of my) opinions gets a fair airing. USA! USA! USA!

These will not be ranked, but presented as addendums to a list that could conceivably keep growing forever. 

With no further ado, here are another 10 responses:

“You left out the worst offenders: People who take up too much beach real estate with tons of equipment and BLAST music (with heavy base) loudly, spoiling the beach experience far and wide. It's hard to avoid these morons, especially during high tide. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.” – Steve A.

Adults who wear aqua socks and people who play their music as if they are the only ones on the beach.” – Dennis C.

People who blare the music so everyone in a half block radius has to listen to their horrible taste in music.” – Matthew O.

Loud Music Playing Guy. Might be the worst. Definitely Top Three. So hateable.” – RBS

"Any sound that can be heard by your neighbors is rude. Music, loud discussions about your health, finances or job should be kept inside." – Phil R.

Brian Hickey/PhillyVoiceSome folks don't want to hear (or see) other people talking about politics when they go to the beach.

"Anyone with two or more kids." – Bill Y.

“When you're on a nearly empty beach and a tool comes along & plops down directly between you and the water.” – Liz

“You forgot about people who use aerosol spray sunscreen without checking if anyone is downwind. I've been sitting peacefully on the beach and the next thing I know I have a face (or mouth) full of someone's spray sunscreen. I hate it.” – David M.

“I would add to that list the people that bike ride on the boardwalk well after 12 p.m. despite the fact that there is a sign every frickin' block. I'm sure a small minority aren't aware of this rule but most violators know but just don't care.” – Tom F.

And, finally: