UberCADE giving Philadelphians presidential treatment on Friday

Special promotion comes with full security detail

Source /Uber

With the Republican and Democratic national conventions dominating summer headlines, it's enough to make the ordinary American citizen feel a little detached from the royal treatment of our presidential hopefuls.

That doesn't mean you can't get an approximation of what it's like to be ushered around with a full security detail.

On Friday, July 22, Uber is running a special UberCADE promotion in Philadelphia so that you and your friends can soak up the VIP experience. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can open your Uber app, enter the code PHLPOTUS and select the UberCADE option to request a motorcade.

Those who successfully connect will get escorted to their destination by a Cadillac STS and two Suburbans complete with “Secret Service agents." Up to three passengers can be taken along for the ride. The only stipulation is that the route must be in Center City, Old City or University City.

Oh, and according to Uber, it's completely free. If you've got a special lunch, a job interview or a high-stakes business engagement, you might want to give this a try.