Venus, Jupiter to converge in must-see spectacle Tuesday

When the sun goes down, stare westward into the night sky, NASA instructs

Venus and Jupiter are converging for a must-see close encounter at the end of June.
Science at Nasa/YouTube Screenshot

On Tuesday night, stargazers will have the unique opportunity to see Jupiter and Venus seemingly convening in the night sky.

Throughout the month of June, the two planets -- the brightest in the solar system -- have been drawing progressively closer together each night, a closeness that is expected to culminate Tuesday at one-third of a degree apart. 

"That's less than the diameter of a full Moon," according to NASA. "You'll be able to hide the pair not just behind the palm of your outstretched hand, but behind your little pinkie finger."

To see the spectacle, when the sun goes down, stare westward into the night sky, NASA instructs.

Read the full article here.