Weckerly's first brick-and-mortar shop opens

Head to the new permanent home of the 'micro-creamery'

Andy and Jennifer Satinsky of Weckerly's Ice Cream.
Thom Carroll/PhillyVoice

Weckerly's first brick-and-mortar shop will open at 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9. Head over to the location at 9 W. Girard Ave. in Fishtown for a first-day celebration with owners Jen and Andy Satinsky.

There will be beer from St. Benjamin Brewing Company and cheese from the Creamery Collective, as a savory accompaniment to the sweet.

As for the cold treats the shop will be stocked with, expect to see a selection of Weckerly's signature ice cream sandwiches, hand-dipped ice cream and sorbet flavors. One scoop will be $4.75 and two scoops will be $7.

The current ice cream flavors include: 

• Whole Bean Vanilla
• Hot Chocolate, a chipotle cinnamon-spice chocolate with swirls of handmade toasted marshmallow fluff
• Jim’s Secret Stash, a bronze fennel from Philadelphia’s Heritage Farm with a salted licorice swirl
• Lemongrass Cherry, a variety of lemongrass and Pennsylvania-grown sour cherries
• Apple Cider Sorbet
• Peanut Butter Populi, a crowd-sourced flavor made of peanut butter ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter honeycomb candy

Weckerly's plans on creating new flavors frequently. So far, the ice cream sandwich selection (priced $5-$6 per sandwich) will include:

• Black and White
• Crème Fraîche Cranberry, on spiced shortbread 

Since Weckerly's is close by Philly Style Bagels, the two have paired up on a special treat. The Baglr’s Rhapsody sounds a little out there, but as the brainchild of two Philly favorites, it has to be good, right?

Layers of cream cheese ice cream and bagel ice cream will be sandwiched between an IPA cookie toasted with sesame, fennel seed and sea salt.

Weckerly’s will be open Sunday through Thursday from noon until 9 p.m. and Friday through Saturday from noon until 10 p.m.

Weckerly's Brick-And-Mortar Shop

Opening Friday, Dec. 9, at 4 p.m.
Sundays through Thursdays: Noon to 9 p.m.
Fridays through Saturdays: Noon to 10 p.m.
9 W. Girard Ave.