What Pennsylvania and New Jersey Googled more than other state in 2016

Can you guess what Pennsylvanians Googled more than any other state across the country this year?

It's a little harder than you might think.

Estately.com, a real estate website, put together a map showing state-by-state trends using data from Google. The search engine giant released its top trending searches for 2016 last week, and Estately broke down what each state searched the most by looking at world events, celebrities, memes and other major events that happened this year.

So what ranked as Pennsylvania's top search?

Arnold Palmer, the professional golfer who died in September, and Anthony Weiner's sexting scandal.

More than any other state, New Jerseyans are interested in Donald Trump, Copa America, the Hoboken train crash, and Bridgegate. They also Googled Garry Marshall, the actor who died in March and Monte Irvin, the former pro baseball player who died in January.

Surprised? Well, Pennsylvania and New Jersey's results were much more tame (ahem, boring) compared to the rest of the country.

Californians searched "2016 worst year ever?" while Arizona wanted to learn about Mars and Harambe fascinated Rhode Islanders.

Check out the website's complete results here