Workshops to teach young Philadelphians how to win local elections

Upcoming workshops intended to help teach young Philadelphians how to run for local political offices are drawing high interest.

Two events on the topic are scheduled for January, and both have nearly 1,000 people slated to attend.

As noted by event organizers, there are plenty of political offices to run for other than mayor and City Council. Many of these positions are decided by only a handful of votes.

In 2017, more than 5,000 Election Board officials will be chosen. In 2018, committee people for both the Republican and Democratic parties will be elected for the city's 1,687 voting precincts.

Those positions are given four-year terms. Election Board officials are tasked with working polling places, while committee people are in charge of getting residents in their precincts out to vote.

Both workshops will feature current committee people as speakers to help attendees learn how to win these seats.

Information on the upcoming events can be found below:

How to Run for Neighborhood Office and Win

Wednesday, Jan. 18
6:30-7:30 p.m. | Free
Location TBD

Get Mad, Then Get Elected: How to Win a Local Ward Election

Wednesday, Jan. 25
6-9 p.m. | $10
Pipeline Philly
30 S. 15th St.