Harambe died so that the hottest takes (and a young boy) could live

A horrible situation at the Cincinnati Zoo send animal-handling and parenting 'experts' into overdrive

A boy brings flowers to put beside a statue of a gorilla outside the shuttered Gorilla World exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Monday, May 30, 2016, in Cincinnati. A gorilla named Harambe was killed by a special zoo response team on Saturday after a 3-year-old boy slipped into an exhibit and it was concluded his life was in danger.
John Minchillo/AP

You’ve heard about Harambe, I’m sure.

You know, the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla who was fatally shot Saturday after a 3-year-old boy somehow made his way into the enclosure. It was a sad and unfortunate incident that unleashed a torrent of hot takes about safety, the nature of zoos themselves and parental responsibility. (Still doesn't ring a bell? See here, here and here.)

Related Article: Cincinnati police investigate boy's entry into exhibit, gorilla's killing

And when that happens, the social media response is everything from abhorrent to amusing.

I summarized it thusly:

I was not the only person who weighed in on the Memorial Day weekend tragedy. Here’s what other people had to say, organized loosely by theme:

Blame the parents!

Blame the kid!

Blame human beings in general!

Defend the parents!

Defend the zoo!

Honor Harambe!


Stories with absolutely no connection to what happened at the Zoo!

From near tragedy to political posturing!

Oh, cool, celebrities weigh in!

And, finally, the hottest takes!