One important theory about President Trump's 'covfefe' tweet

If you made the mistake of sleeping overnight, you’re probably waking up to the news that President Donald Trump made a typo on Twitter on Tuesday night, and that that typo was inevitably deleted.

You’re also waking up to an onslaught of “think pieces” about social-media users attempting to figure out if maybe that “typo” had a secret meaning coupled with reactions to the president’s (perceived as, but probably recommended to him) self-deprecating follow-up tweet.

Considering this is the talk of an ever-insightful social media world today, I am forced to activate a Twitter-block end-around in order to delve deeper into the issue and report back on findings.

Upon doing so, I have a theory I’d like to share with you all. Here goes:

Our low-energy president is also saddled with Stubby Finger Syndrome. 

If you look at a keyboard – whether on mobile device, laptop or desktop – you’ll notice that the letters F, E, V and A are in relative close proximity.

Hence – should someone mistakenly hit the send (return, enter or Tweet) button before lauding oneself for overcoming negative attention from perceived enemies, as one has many times before in predictable fashion – it’s easy to envision how “coverage” could become “covfefe.”

As such, I believe President Trump’s “covfefe” Tweet was nothing but an easy-to-make typo.

Screengrab/TwitterOne of President Donald Trump's typos made for an extraordinary level of social-media chatter on Tuesday, May 30, 2017. Then, it was deleted.

I also mourn for a nation that’s so broken by the quickening pace of degradation that we need to latch on to these sorts of things for communal enjoyment.