Top 10 #BlackTwitter hashtags of 2015

Social media collective took on trending topics in a year of tragedy & triumph

Popular hashtags this year included #StayMadAbby, #SayHerName and #BlackGirlMagic.
Photo Illustration/Screenshot

You had to be living under a huge rock on Twitter this year if you haven’t encountered the sheer brilliance, activism and often tongue-in-cheek perspectives of “Black Twitter.” 

This collective force of nature from many black tweeters shouldn’t simply be seen as a monolith of all blacks on Twitter, but as a unique group of highly insightful and conscious commentators. In 2015, they broke news to the world faster (and sometimes better) than more notable sources. 

Taking on everyone from Hollywood to the Supreme Court, here are the top 10 Black Twitter hashtags of 2015.

10. #GrowingUpBlack 

Earlier this year, Black Twitter showed the world how the childhood experiences of blacks in America is culturally different than others'. The above image is that of a “kool-cup,” a very sweet homemade frozen treat that was easier and more affordable to make than popsicles. 

9. #ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies 

This trendy hashtag hilariously drew humorous attention to how black families celebrate Thanksgiving with cultural exchanges rooted in faith, family and folklore.

8. #MelaninOnFleek

In a world where colorism exists, this hashtag proved to reinforce the narrative that all black skin tones are beautiful and should be equally embraced.   

7. #BlackGirlMagic

This year, black women such as actress Viola Davis, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and athletes Misty Copeland and Serena Williams broke barriers in their respective fields. This hashtag celebrated their accomplishments and many more at a time when such achievement was crucial to recognizing diversity. 

6. #OscarsSoWhite

When the 2015 Academy Awards failed to nominate any black actors or actresses in any categories, Black Twitter made this hashtag go viral worldwide, further stoking discussions of diversity issues in Hollywood. Next year’s awards race doesn’t look too promising.

5. #IfIDieInPoliceCustody 

Sandra Bland’s suspicious death in police custody sparked this activist-based hashtag that further questioned the nature of law enforcement engagement with black lives. 

4. #BlackOnCampus

After the racial backlash at Mizzou, black college students and grads across America shared their unfortunate experiences at PWIs (predominately white institutions) on Twitter worldwide.   

3. #AskRachel

Black Twitter took to task Rachel Dolezal, the controversial white local NAACP chapter president, on her problematic appropriation of blackness with a hashtag that challenged her notions. 

2. #SayHerName

Although women of color played a significant role in creating #BlackLivesMatter, an overwhelming amount of the media’s attention focused on black men. This hashtag became a powerful movement for putting more women who have also been victims of police brutality at the forefront of consideration and justice. 

1. #StayMadAbby

No hashtag this year showed how Black Twitter dominated social media more powerfully than this. Started as a way to counter the offensive remarks made during the recent Supreme Court case involving Abigail Fisher, a white woman suing the University of Texas on their affirmative action policy, it’s become a celebration of black excellence in places that often exclude such visibility.