Five desserts you can eat and not feel bad about


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Most desserts aren’t known for their nutritional value. In fact, some sweet treats can clock in higher on the caloric scale than a full-fledged meal. Even though fan favorites like cheesecake and hot fudge sundaes aren’t (and will likely never be) good for you, there are a number of delicious desserts you can enjoy without wreaking havoc on your waistline. Here are five desserts you can enjoy without guilt:

1. Banana Whips

Bananas are a miracle ingredient when it comes to concocting quick, easy, and guilt-free desserts, and it doesn’t get any easier than banana whips. To make this chilled delight, simply slice a banana or two and place in an airtight container in the freezer until fully frozen — one and a half to two hours will usually do the trick. Then bust out your blender and blend the frozen bananas until smooth. If you’re feeling particularly indulgent, add a topping or two, like heart-healthy dark chocolate shavings or fresh strawberries to take things up a notch.

If cold treats aren’t your thing, try these healthy banana muffins or swap out your next donut for a hearty banana oatmeal to start your morning off right.

2. Smoothie Ice Pops

Store-bought popsicles are often loaded with excess sugar. If you're looking for a healthier alternative, you may want to consider making your own at home. Pump up the nutritional value of your next batch of ice pops by adding superfoods like spinach and chia seeds to the mix. While spinach popsicles may not sound like your idea of a decadent dessert, blending greens with a healthy serving of berries, banana, or mango will provide the fruity flavor you crave.

3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Avocado Pudding

Chocolate and peanut butter are a match made in heaven, so it may appear that avocado is the odd one out in this equation. But not only are avocados rich in healthy fats, folate, and carotenoids, they also have a very mild taste that pairs well with bold flavors like peanut butter and chocolate. As an added bonus, this pudding recipe packs a nutritional punch with additional ingredients like antioxidant-rich cocoa and vitamin-dense banana.

4. Healthy Cookie Dough Blizzard

It may sound too good to be true, but this healthy cookie dough concoction tastes just like the real deal. The base consists of a few simple ingredients, including vanilla, bananas, and almond milk, and the cookie dough balls are a mixture of almond flour, honey, coconut oil, and, of course, dark chocolate chips.

5. Oreo Cake

When cookies and cake collide, the end result is usually overloaded with sugar, fat, and empty calories. This version, however, is sugar-free, egg-free, and grain-free, which means you can enjoy a slice without all the guilt. The cake is composed primarily of plantains and a slew of other healthy ingredients like applesauce, coconut butter, and protein powder. A generous portion of cashew buttercream icing is all this double-layered treat needs to achieve sweet-tooth-satisfying status.

Dessert is always the best part of any meal. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make healthier versions of your favorite desserts. For example, corn syrup can easily be swapped for raw honey, and coconut oil is a great substitute for margarine. Small adjustments like these can make a big difference in terms of your health.

Learn how to make more nutritious and delicous desserts and meals at Independence LIVE’s Healthy Cooking Class.