The Reese’s bat gives us a non-pumpkin spice reason to get excited for fall

Reese's new bat shape.

One of the only redeeming factors to the end of summer, aside from the declination of tourists swarming to Philly or the possible end of heatwaves for the year, is the nearest holiday we can direct our attention to: Halloween.

Though the influx of pumpkin spice products already hitting stores, including fro-yo, coffee, and Oreos, is enough to send many people into a state of exaltation, others who don’t observe the pumpkin spice craze may need something more than flavored lattes and apple picking to get excited about the beginning of Fall.

Enter: the Reese’s bat.

You are probably already familiar with the Reese’s pumpkin, another autumn specialty that's essential to any decent trick-or-treating bag.

Of course, there are the other versions Reese’s assume throughout the year. The shape-shifting candy will see us in a holiday coma by early 2018, passed out and surrounded by the remnants of Reese’s Christmas trees, just in time to make the switch to Valentine’s Day heart-shaped peanut butter cups.

In the spring you can expect “egg-shaped” Reese’s, which are essentially ovals, but come in giant monstrosity sizes that are festive nonetheless.

But what about Halloween? Though the pumpkin shape captures fall vibes, the bats are an ~edgier~ alternative more specific to the best holiday of the year and can please anyone who is already over pumpkin stuff before Labor Day has even begun.

The new candy is exclusive to Target, along with three other Halloween-themed treats exclusive to the store, including M&Ms Cookies & Screeem, Reese’s Spooky Miniatures, and Dove Milk Chocoate & Caramel Witches Mix. 

It’s enough reason to start shopping for costumes and planning your "Stranger Things" watch party -- at which you can serve Reese’s bats.