South Jersey police department to place undercover officers in Black Friday shopping lines

Things can get a bit dicey on Black Friday, when people gather outside retail outlets to ensure they are able to buy the latest big-ticket item at a fraction of its typical sales price.

But a New Jersey police department is reminding shoppers to be mindful that there will be a police presence among them.

RELATED READ: Things to do on Black Friday if you don’t want to shop

Gloucester Township police in Camden County will place undercover officers in lengthy Black Friday lines, the department announced on Wednesday afternoon.

Uniformed officers also will be positioned throughout the township.

Gloucester police also urged motorists to be mindful that Wednesday marks one of the busiest travel days of the year. It also is a popular night for parties and bars. 

Police will have patrols will be on the lookout for inebriated drivers. 

"Don't make the roadways anymore dangerous by drinking and driving," the department urged.