May 18, 2017
It’s been an assaulting week for the eyes after the internet collectively shared confusion and trepidation at the existence of man rompers, and things aren’t getting any better with the introduction of $425 detachable cut-out jeans by Y/Project sold through Opening Ceremony.
“Detachable cut-out” seems to be the company’s way of renaming what very much resembles denim chaps with matching granny panties. The “2-in-1” pants come in black or bleached light denim and sport a straight-leg cut with super tight, detachable high-rise shorts. The legs cut away just enough to show some skin right on that awkward upper part of your thigh.
In case you're running low on reasons to purchase these, we've devised a list of possible reasons why anyone would wear them:
You want to dress like a somewhat more approachable Christina Aguilera circa her 2002 “Dirrty” heyday.
You want to go from hot summer day to cool summer night with just the strap of two sacks of denim.
You want to spur a nationwide discussion over which is more versatile, the RompHim or the 2-in-1 jeans.
You want to show off a tasteful amount of butt cleavage while retaining your modesty.
Whatever the case, congratulations; just hash out $425 and your dreams shall be realized.