April 09, 2015
Imagine heading to your regular bingo night and looking up to find weatherman John Bolaris or former governor Ed Rendell calling out numbers. Then, what if former Eagles quarterback A.J. Feeley and Preston & Steve's Marisa Magnatta joined them, with CBS 3's Stephanie Stahl acting as MC for the night?
Well, lucky bingo players are going to experience exactly that at BLINGO to Cure Duchenne. The totally blinged-out celebrity game night is happening April 11 at the Rittenhouse Hotel. The extra-special bingo callers will lead attendees in a game while they drink and dine. Prizes will be up for grabs and a live auction will be happening as well.
All the excitement supports a very serious cause. CureDuchenne is a nonprofit that raises awareness and funds to research Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a progressive muscle-wasting disease that affects young boys. The event will also honor the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for its leadership in caring for those struck with Duchenne.
Now in its second year, BLINGO is sure to be a fun-packed event with 200 to 300 of Philadelphia's best getting in on the game. Those who cannot attend are welcome to donate to CureDuchenne and sponsorships are available.