August 30, 2015
A black bear in captivity waits for visitors to throw food into his pen at the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, Maine.
One man had his animal stolen by another animal in the Lehigh Valley Thursday evening.
According to WFMZ, police said that the man's goat was taken from his backyard Lower Saucon Township, Northampton County, by a black bear.
The Pennsylvania Gaming Commission was called to the scene along with local police. According to the news station, the man has now set up a bear trap in his lawn to try and capture the thief.
The township has issued an alert on its website, warning residents about recent bear sightings."Bears love to eat, so remove the food source," the alert reads. "Bird feeders should be taken down and garbage secured until garbage pick-up day. Bears will not frequent or stay in an area if they cannot get enough to eat."
More on how to deal with bears can be found here from the gaming commission.