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September 15, 2015

Facebook working on 'dislike' button

Zuckerberg says it will be meant for sad news, not disapproval

You may be able to "dislike" posts on Facebook in the near future, but it may not be for the reason you think.

According to The New York Times, Mark Zuckerberg said Tuesday that the new option would be to express an emotion concerning a post without "liking" it.

He said the new button, which is being tested, would give users a more appropriate option for somber news. From The NYT: 

“Not every moment is a good moment,” he said, “and if you are sharing something that is sad, whether it’s something in current events, like the refugees crisis that touches you or if a family member passed away, then it may not feel comfortable to like that post.”

Instead, the new feature would give users options to show sympathy or remorse.

The Atlantic reports that Zuckerberg added it wouldn't be anything like the downvote option on Reddit, which essentially means you disapprove of a post. 

According to CNN Money, Zuckerberg said that they would roll out the feature broadly if testing went well. 
