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December 28, 2016

Road closures, parking restrictions announced for 2017 Mummers Parade

As Philadelphia braces for another year of wenches and performers strutting down Broad Street on New Year's Day, city officials are making last-minute preparations.

Mayor Jim Kenney's Office unveiled Wednesday a number of road closures and parking restrictions that will be in effect for the 2017 Mummers Parade.

Some restrictions will begin Thursday night along the parade route, which will start at City Hall before moving south to Washington Avenue.

Paradegoers are strongly encouraged to use SEPTA's Broad Street and Market-Frankford Lines.

All of the following restrictions will be lifted when the parade ends unless noted:

Beginning Thursday, Dec. 29:

Parking is prohibited after 6 p.m. on the east side of 15th Street from JFK Blvd. to South Penn Square.

Beginning Friday, Dec. 30:

Two east travel lanes on 15th Street closed from JFK Blvd. to Market Street from 10 a.m. - noon for equipment load-in. 15th Street may be closed completely for short intervals during this time if necessary.

Parking is prohibited after 2 a.m. on the west side of 15th Street from JFK Blvd. to Market and Market to Ranstead Street.

Beginning Saturday, Dec. 31:

Two east travel lanes on 15th Street from JFK Blvd. to S. Penn Square closed for television compound setup starting at 10 a.m. This closure to remain in place until noon on Monday, Jan. 2.

From noon until - 6 p.m., 15th Street from JFK Blvd. to Chestnut Street and Market Street from 15th Street to 16th Street will be closed.

TENTATIVE: Starting at 6 p.m., Market Street will partially re-open east of 16th Street and 15th Street will partially re-open south of JFK Blvd. until 3 a.m. on Jan. 1.

Parking is prohibited after 4 a.m. on West Market Street & JFK Blvd, from 15th to 20th Streets.

Beginning Sunday, Jan. 1:

After 3 a.m., Market Street from 15th to 16th Street, 15th Street from Arch Street to Chestnut Street and JFK Blvd. from 15th Street to 20th Street will be closed.

After 7 p.m., Broad Street from S. Penn Square and Washington Avenue from 12th Street to 18th Street will be closed.

Parking is prohibited after 4 a.m. on 15th Street from Arch Street to JFK Blvd.

Parking is prohibited after 4 a.m. on Chestnut Street, from 16th to 18th Streets.

Parking is prohibited after 6 a.m. on the 1500 block of Ranstead Street.

Parking is prohibited after 2 a.m. at the following blocks:

South side of JFK Blvd from Juniper to 15th Street

JFK Blvd from Broad to 16th Street

Juniper Street from JFK to South Penn Square

South side of South Penn Square from Juniper to 16th Street

Ben Franklin Parkway from 16th to 19th Street

West side of North Broad Street from Cherry to JFK Blvd

15th Street from Race to JFK Blvd

16th Street from Chestnut to Race

17th Street from Ben Franklin Parkway to Ludlow

18th Street from Race to Ludlow

19th Street from Ben Franklin Parkway to Chestnut

Cherry Street from 15th to 17th

Arch Street from 15th to 17th

Washington Ave from 12th to 18th

Broad Street from Arch to Ellsworth
