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June 16, 2015

Family uses son's obituary to speak frankly about heroin addiction

Heroin Obituaries
Heroin Overdose Obit Family of Clay William Shephard /The News & Observer

A family reveals that their son died of a heroin overdose as a warning message to others.

A grieving family in North Carolina chose to use their 22-year-old son’s obituary to raise awareness about the deadly heroin epidemic sweeping the nation.

The obituary, which was published in their local newspaper, The News & Observer, and online on May 20, 2015, days after their son, Clay William Shephard, died on May 17, began:

"Our charismatic and beautiful son and brother died Sunday morning from a drug overdose.”

It went on to say that outwardly, Shephard, like many other victims of drug addiction, seemed to have it all: “Intelligence, confidence, athletic ability, height, beautiful blue eyes, broad smile, fantastic wit, and the ability to engage and forge a relationship with anyone.”

Inwardly though, he had struggles with addiction that he hid well from his family.

“We loved Clay with all of our hearts, but we now know that was not enough to shield him from the world,” the obituary read. 

"We write this obituary in hope that it may provide an insight to those that need to change their behavior one night at a time."

“This note isn't an attempt to assign blame for Clay's death. It's not to vent our anger and frustration at a world where drugs can be ordered and delivered through the Internet. We write this obituary in hope that it may provide an insight to those that need to change their behavior one night at a time.

"To all children, this note is a simple reminder that there are people who love you, with everything they have and no matter what you do - don't be too afraid/ashamed/scared, too anything, to ask for help.

"To all parents, pay attention to your children and the world that revolves around them - even when the surface is calm, the water may be turbulent just beneath. Clay's struggles have ended. He is finally at peace. We will miss his keen sense of humor, impersonations, cooking, plant advice and rhythm on the dance floor."

Read the full obituary here. 
