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May 02, 2016

Mindful Mondays: Visioning: Meet your future self

Each week, on Mindful Mondays, Christie shares three tips toward a healthier lifestyle. She proposes something healthy to think about, something healthy to eat, and something healthy to do. Give these tips a try to improve your health, wellness and quality of life!

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MINDFUL THOUGHT: “What Do You Want Your Health For?”

Before you can set any health goals, it is important to ask yourself, “What do you want your health for?” Do you want your health to play with your children or your grandchildren? Do you want your health to run marathons or cross country ski? Do you want your health so you feel strong and confident?

The first step towards making sustainable change is identifying these intrinsic motivators. Once you know what drives you, it becomes your incentive in weak moments and will serve as a reminder to stay the course even when it gets rough.


MINDFUL EATING: Cinco de Mayo Special

Mexican food is a favorite indulgence for many of us and, with Cinco de Mayo around the corner; I’d like to offer some healthy suggestions for people who may be enjoying the holiday this week. The good news is that there are many healthy options. For instance, ordering cut vegetables to dip with salsa or guacamole helps minimize the number of chips consumed. Also, eating just the inside of the tacos can save hundreds of calories. Another trick, order guacamole with crab and enjoy it with a fork or over a salad. Oh, and eat as much hot sauce as you’d like, it actually boosts your metabolism.


MINDFUL ACTIVITY: Visiting Your Future Self

Find a quiet space and take a few minutes to just breathe. In your mind, go to a favorite place where you are comfortable. Notice a figure from the distance coming towards you. Regain focus, and notice that the figure is you, in your optimum health 1, 5, 10 years from now. What are you doing? What do you look like? Who is around you? How do you feel? What things did you have to do to get to that point? What, if anything is your future-self telling you?

Take a moment to examine your perspective and consider the impact that today’s behaviors have on tomorrow’s health. When you leave your future self know that you can leave negative things behind here and you can come as needed for support.

(Adapted from Duke IM’s Mindful Diet)

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