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May 26, 2021

IBX: The Cover Story Podcast: Celebrate Caring — Honoring our nation's nurses

Podcast Nurses

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IBX: The Cover Story is a monthly podcast featuring timely, relevant conversations about the most important topics in health. The podcast is hosted by Peter Panageas, Senior Vice President and Market President of National Markets at Independence Blue Cross.

Every year, National Nurses Month invites us to focus on the value of nursing, nurses, and their essential role in our community. This year, as a result of the pandemic, our celebration comes with a new level of perspective. In this episode, Peter speaks with nurse guests about their roles and experiences. Peter’s guests are Michelle Jackson-Ware an Asthma Care Coordinator at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a winner of the Independence Blue Cross Celebrate Caring award, Bernadette Salopek a nurse at Journey Hospice, and Diana Lehman the director of our care management department at Independence Blue Cross. 


Also available on: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | Libsyn

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