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June 26, 2019

Craving a hot dog? Opt for one of these healthier frank alternatives

Check out Men's Health's list of better-for-you hot dog options

Healthy Eating Hot Dogs
healthier hot dogs Peter Secan/Unsplash

It's hard to twist hot dogs into a "healthy" food group, but these brands offer healthier alternatives.

Despite studies showing that Americans are still eating far too much processed meats, there is something about the smell of a hotdog at a baseball game or on the boardwalk that could entice the healthiest of eaters to give into their questionably meaty temptation.

A healthy life is all about balance, right?

The good news is, folks don’t have to feel “guilty” for indulging in a hot dog from time to time thanks to healthier options that have emerged in recent years. This Fourth of July, think uncured, grass-fed, organic, gluten-free, antibiotic- and hormone-free, millennial-friendly dogs.

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Men’s Health rounded up a list of the eight healthiest hot dogs you can get your hands on for all of your grilling and chilling sessions in the months ahead. You can check out their full list here, but some of the highlights include: 


This award goes to Applegate’s Natural Uncured Beef and Pork Stadium Hot Dog, which is made with “100-percent grass-fed and pasture raised beef” that is humanely raise and contains no antibiotics or fillers. These dogs are also gluten- and casein-free.

The ingredients for these hot dogs are pretty on point in terms of health, only containing the beef and pork and a handful of seasonings. Available on Amazon Fresh for $5.99


Niman Ranch, a family-owned company dedicated to specialty humanely raised meats, offers Fearless Uncured Beef Franks that come recommended by Men’s Health.

These dogs are free of MSG, nitrates, nitrites and gluten and clock 12 grams of protein per frank. They’re available for $6.99 at Whole Foods

The Daily Meal also has a list of the healthiest hot dogs, which looks similar to Men’s Health but includes the least healthy hot dogs, which may be of interest. You guessed it: the Ball Park Franks you grew up on make the unhealthy list. 

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