June 08, 2015
The Free Library of Philadelphia encourages children to get lost in a good book.
In honor of the 150th anniversary of the publication of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," the Free Library of Philadelphia has cooked up a new summer reading program. The "Summer of Wonder" includes an online summer reading challenge and eight weeks of themed activities for children and teens.
Anyone with a Free Library card can log-in online and keep track of which books they've read or want to read this summer. For every book they review, they'll be entered into a prize drawing. Children, teens and adults are all welcome to participate in this online challenge, which runs through Monday, August 31.
The eight weekly "Summer of Wonder" activities, which begin Monday, June 15, are themed around discovery and imagination in homage to Carroll's classic tale. The activities, which are appropriate for kids, teens and families, can be accessed online each week, by accessing a "Summer of Wonder" kit at your local library branch or by signing up for a weekly email.
Kids going into 6th grade and under can also sign up for a summer reading bingo card at their local library, where they'll receive a sticker for each reading-based activity they complete.