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May 25, 2015

Jon Stewart helping veterans get into T.V. business with program

Jon Stewart, soon to be former host of "The Daily Show," has been running a program that helps veterans break into the television business., according to The New York Times.

While Stewart hasn't publicized the program during its tenure, his impending departure from the show has caused him to come out in the open about it and urge other programs to help veterans in similar ways.

The Times piece highlights Nathan Witmer, a veteran of the Iraq war who landed a job at Fox News and later with Stewart at "The Daily Show" as a segment producer: 

“It was actually inspirational. We hear ‘Thank you for your service’ all the time, but here was concrete action, people working to really make a difference. And it changed lives. I’m proof of that.”

Stewart and members of the show developed the program as essentially an internship, providing a five-week course teaching the skills of the business that ends with a career fair.

The comedian has often criticized the United States' military actions, but has also been an outspoken supporter of veterans, calling out the way the government treats them when they return home.
