September 06, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is getting berated and teased on Twitter for an embarrassing split-second mistake that bizarrely roped in your Philadelphia Phillies.
On Tuesday, Trump (or whoever's running his Twitter these days) started typing out a message of condolence to the late conservative advocate Phyllis Schlafly, who died Monday at the age of 92. Without a quick proofread, the tweet was up and away.
The tweet was quickly deleted, but not before word got out that the Phils were in Trump's thoughts.
Trump deletes his misspelled tweet honoring “Phillies Schlafly" pic.twitter.com/7nctCTp9FK
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) September 6, 2016
I saw Phillies Schlafly lose to the Mets once.
— Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) September 6, 2016
Phillies Schlafly!? Geez. I always wondered who was inside the Phanatic costume. @NncyRuth @ParkerMolloy @Phillies @MLB
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) September 6, 2016
Phillies Schlafly would be if the Phanatic went around to all the women in the stadium telling them to stop watching sports & go home & cook
— Elaine Filadelfo (@ElaineF) September 6, 2016
LOLOL -- the late, great #PHILLIES?!
— The Goof™ (@MetsFanInPhilly) September 6, 2016
oh, Trump -- you never cease to entertain pic.twitter.com/0zzrVp1I3S
Leave the #Phillies alone. #Trump pic.twitter.com/G9Sf2MThvt
— Nonfat Soy Latte (@NonfatSoyLatte) September 6, 2016
Plurals by Trump: "attorney generals" and "Phillies Schlafly" pic.twitter.com/PkifB4Wmsc
— Jim Aley (@jimaley) September 6, 2016
To be fair to Trump, I live in Philadelphia, and the Phillies are having a very schlafly season.
— Noah Smith (@smithnoah) September 6, 2016
Trump tweeted then deleted a tweet about "Phillies Schlafly,” and 2016 has welcomed us all back from the holiday weekend as only it can
— Leigh Munsil (@leighmunsil) September 6, 2016
Amazingly, this may be the most innocuous thing Trump has done in the past year. He dissed Philly's political leaders last week after a private visit with African-American voters and will be returning again on Wednesday for another private speech at The Union League of Philadelphia to discuss national security.